Welcome to AdeptiCon 2025, where we gather for one extraordinary long weekend—March 26th to March 30th—at our new home, the Baird Center, in Milwaukee’s heart.

As we launch this chapter, we’re excited to unite familiar faces and new friends for a tabletop gaming celebration like no other, thanks to our incredible staff and volunteers who make it possible.

This milestone move to a state-of-the-art facility, chosen to fit our growing community while preserving AdeptiCon’s spirit, reflects their dedication. We’ve tackled every challenge—parking, layouts, hotels, dining—to ensure a seamless transition, letting you focus on the games, stories, and bonds that define this event.

For over two decades, AdeptiCon has been a family reunion—a rich weave of camaraderie, diversity, and unity. Whether you’re a veteran dice-roller or a first-timer, you’re part of something special. We hail from all corners with unique passions, yet share a love for the hobby. Our staff and volunteers have tirelessly carbon-copied this warm, tight-knit vibe from our roots, even as we welcome thousands more.

From sprawling tournaments to stunning miniatures, workshops to late-night chats over painted armies, we aim for an exceptional experience. The Baird Center gives us space to grow, but your energy—amplified by our team’s efforts—brings it alive.

To all—painters, strategists, or dice enthusiasts—welcome. Here’s to epic battles, heartfelt reunions, and lasting memories. Let’s make AdeptiCon 2025 unforgettable!

Note: This list is always under revision. If you don’t see your name where it should be, let us know and we will make sure you get credit where credit is due!

Board of OverlordsJeff Chua, Hank Edley, Matthias Weeks
TreasurerJeff Chua
Tyrant and Master of the WhipHank Edley
Hand of the TyrantMichael Tisdale
Departmento MunitorumGreg Sparks
Volunteer CoordinatorsMax Lambdin, Greg Sparks, Shelley Sparks, Matthias Weeks
Exhibitor Hall TeamDustin Birkenkamp, Lance Hinkel, Greg Sparks, Shelley Sparks
Minster of MediaDavid Pauwels
Sponsorship/Marketing TeamDustin Birkenkamp, Matt Cicero, Kramer Doyle, Lance Hinkel, Michael Rafferty, Greg Sparks, Shelley Sparks
Online Registration/Customer ServiceMatthias Weeks
Onsite Registration TeamPatricia Bailey, Betty Blanton, Jeff Chua, Amanda Kulpa-Hinkle, Paul Long, Sophie Maldonado, Eric Moan, Kathryn Moan, Mike Pennock, Jacob Rasmussen, Joel Rasmussen. Antina Richards-Pennock, Camie Schaefer, George Sparks, Shelley Sparks, Hailey Vieau, Tammy Vieau, Nancy Weeks
GM Check-in TeamWill Haynes, Dennis Johnston, Sydney Johnston, Stefan Vieau
Website/TechpriestMatthias Weeks
Lobotomized ServitorSteve Vieau
A Song of Ice & FireKimberly Gaska, Martin Gaska, Megan Gaska
AdeptiCon TitanicusBrian Faulhaber
Adeptus TitanicusMarc Raley, Casey Wright, Ben Hardy, Ty Finocchiaro
Aeronautica ImperialisDouglas Glover, Brett Canter, Steve Toth, Casey Pittman, Chris Bergeron
Batman Miniatures GameKenneth Horton, Jason Thompson, Earl Rieschl
Battlefleet GothicAlex Kasper-Macmillan, George Tackaks, Ernesto Salas
BattleTech (Chicago Division)Alexander Kaempen, Mary Kaempen, Patrick Finnegan, Amy Finnegan, Rick Christian
Black Powder Red Earth 28mmJon Chang, Michael Durao, Pierce Hengst
Blaster DemosGregory Horton, Jordan Cuffie, Will Rahman-Daultrey, Alex Van Allen, Daniel Block
BLKOUTSimon Vazquez
Blood Bowl/DreadballMike Muller, Jeff Gallenbeck, Philip Bonarek
Blood Red SkiesDouglas Glover, Brett Canter, Steve Toth, Casey Pittman, Chris Bergeron
Board GamesMilwaukee Company of Gamers, Chris James, Gage Gwaltney, Duane Bruun, Aaron Houssian, Michael Coe, Dave Ross, Paul Watson
Bolt Action OrganizersJoe Valice, Samuel Yoder, Shane Warning, Jay Casper, Jon Russell
BushidoGreg Chyson, Josh Holder, Art Wagner
Catalyst Games CoordinatorMichael Ciaravella
Cyberpunk REDMack Martin
DownsyncByron Collins, Carl Olsen
Dropfleet/Dropzone CommanderJesse Daniel, Andrew Yep, John Lay
The Drowned EarthShawn Galligan
Dystopian WarsRichard Grabow, James Mirda, Alex Kasper, George Tackaks, Ernesto Salas
Epic ArmageddonMatthew Adami, Patrick Connaughton
Extra Life Events
Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Dirt Haven Dust-Up #3Kenneth Horton. Ryan Pecore. Nick Miller, Liz Techert
Firelock GamesMike Tuñez, Rufus DeVane, Jason Klotz, Joseph Forster, Dan Carlson, Tyler Stone, Erich Goebel, Garrett Swader, Josh Shivak, Jayden King, Riley Faulk
Flames of War CoordinatorPhillip Gurtler
FreebladesDGS Games, Jon Cleaves, Matt Gooch
Frostgrave/StargraveBrent Sinclair
GaslandsRob Ehlert, Amanda Camino, Katrina Tomas, Terrence Miltner
Grimdark Alley EventsCody Taylor, Eric Robertson, Steve Hupfer, John Brown, Scot Ward
Grimdark FutureJefferson Thacker, Nathan Sorenson, Eric Even, Mike Huber, Francis Delmundo, Karl Paulsen, Howard Paulsen, Adam Scholtes
Halo: Ground Command/Fleet BattlesJosh Linde, Cody Nance, Andrew Reitz
HametsuDoug Cundall, Ethan Leggett, Ben Henderson
The Hangry GamesTodd Avery, Zachary Avery
Heavy Gear BlitzGeoffrey Konkel, PJ McCarthy
HeroscapeJordan Gaeta, Trevor McGregor
Historical and Open GamesJulian Aguilu, Christopher Annen, Don Ayres, Evan Burr, James Caldwell, Patrick Connaughton, David Ensteness, Rebecca Ensteness, Steve Fratt, Matthew Fridirici, Brett Fuller, Liam Harding, Edward Harding, James Harms, Jon Hazel, Mark Huml, Dennis Jensen, Tom Kuczak, John Lay, Michael Lewis, Jon Lundberg, Michael Ovsenik, Michael Parac, Todd Pressley, Michael Rafferty, Bruce Romanick, William Ryan
HobgoblinGregory Horton, Joshua Yeager, Ethan Leggett
Horus HeresyZac Padget, Duncan Kendall, Derek Wood, Jason Tick, Bryan Force
Horus Heresy - Phyrix CrewLucas Lyon, Eric Hartford, Judson Roggenbach, Andrew Porter, Joshua Koops, Alisha Lyons, Jennifer Hartford
InfinityJosh Linde, Sean Beddow, Sean Beddow, Clay Lundy, Timothy Toolen, Scott Tipsword
JudgementJoe Copersito, Dave Wanke,Peter Adams
Legions ImperialisMarc Raley, Casey Wright, Ben Hardy, Ty Finocchiaro
Magic the GatheringKevin Armitage, Irvin Armitage
MaledictionRodrigo Krug, Silvio Compagnoni, Daniel Pettersern
Malifaux CoordinatorKelli Brumley
Mantic Games EventsRick Hall, Mike Carter,
Marvel Crisis ProtocolMichael Tisdale, Tim Simpson, Brian Watson, Nathan Jarrard, Sean Morrison, Robert Barnett, Taylor Hoyt, Will Castillo
Mech AttackKarl Paulsen, Howard Paulsen
Middle-earth Strategy Battle GameJoshua Lawrence, Raymond Bolton, Jack High, Jess Terlato, Kyle Guthridge, Jamie Welling, Tyler Dumontelle
Missile ThreatDouglas Glover, Brett Canter, Steve Toth, Casey Pittman, Chris Bergeron
MoonstoneErik Szpyra, Cody Ballenger, Josh Page, Mike Goril
MordheimTom Konkol, Nathaniel Schleif
NecromundaJohn Shaffer, Joe Stromei, Nick Nguyan
Para Bellum Games CoordinatorsGiannis Gagos, Leandros Mavrokefalos, Daniel McMahon
Poker NightKaleb Walters, Nicholas Walters
PolyversalByron Collins
Race Day (AdeptiCon 500)Kyle Toth, Chris Thomas
Red Rebuplic Games CoordinatorWalter Cook
RelicbladeMichael Lugo, James Pittman, Sean Sutter, Clayton Guerry
Role-playing GamesChristopher Tavonatti, Glenn Buettner, Ty Topher, Michael Parac, Leland Gross, Joel Nierman
SAGAJoe Rogers, DJ Andrews
Sea Dog GamesEdward Wedig, Josh Potter, Dave Oberting
Shadows of BrimstoneBrian Bosch
Snap ShipsScott Pease
Snappy HeresyClayton Beese
Space HulkBen Weis, John Weis, Troy Weis
Squadron/StarForce CommanderPatrick Doyle
Star Wars: ArmadaDennis Schadt, Jackson Lipschutz, Stewart Maxfield, Allen Stelly
Star Wars: LegionJoshua Hale, LJ Pena, Jacob Hard, Nema Ashjaee, Brendan Smith, Nick Bodnar, Graham Carlson, Raul Rosado, Austin Ellsworth
Star Wars: ShatterpointChris Mehrstedt, Joe Adams, Jon Feipel, Josh Rosenthal, Liam Edley, Charles Murray, Tim Toolen, Andrew Berry
Star Wars: X-WingChris Allen, Josh Taylor, Kris Sherriff, Tim Horsburg, Kris Mitchell, Pete Lambro, Mitch Hurst
Steamforged GamesJamie Perkins, Travis Marg, Sean Dooley, Ben Clapperton
Steel RiftMatthew Adami
Team Yankee CoordinatorPhillip Gurtler
Trench CrusadeTom Mathews, Zach Nollinger, Maple Sully
Trivia EventsGreg Sparks, Shelley Sparks, Dustin Birkenkamp
WarcasterJonathan Smith
WarcrowScott Tipsword, Will Thompson, Mike Say
Warhammer 40,000 CoordinatorsMatt Baugh
Warhammer 40,000 Judges
Warhammer 40,000 Kill TeamGames Workshop, Zach Rochner
Warhammer 40,000 FriendlyBrendon Bell, Chris Marshall, Eli Wallichs, Jeff Wallicks, Oskar Wallichs
Warhammer 40,000 Long War DoublesRob Baer, Kenny Boucher, Wyatt Turk, Arthur Shulsky, Felix Fembres, Andrew Vogl, Travis Pasch,
Warhammer 40,000 Narrative EventsShae Strait, Jerry Toppins
Warhammer 40,000 FlexCarl Tuttle, Chelle Tuttle
Warhammer 40,000 Event VolunteersBrian Carlson, Matt Cicero, Joel Colvin, Adam Cortes, Casey Killeen, Andrew Mayer, Jeff McIntyre, Calin Radulescu, Andy Reuss, Nate Sorenson, Patrick Turner, Jeff Wallichs
Warhammer Age of Sigmar CoordinatorPaul Wagner
Warhammer Age of Sigmar VolunteersTori Giffin, Nic Tru, Dave Blenner, Vince Venturella,
Louise Sugden, Zak Kalina, Matt Folkenroth, Scott Turk, Will Simpson, Eric Even, Chris Tabor, Chris Row, Calvin Kruse, Douglas Griggs, Madigan Mason, Bart Kennely, TJ Crawford, Dave Blenner, John Wenger, Amanda Wenger, Samantha Waffle, Chris Landis, Robert Elmer, Ken Gilgan, Zak Kulhan, Chris Henry
Warhammer Age of Sigmar WarcryJoshua Arrington, Eric Oakland, Vint Quamme, Kevin Fleming, Jordan Beard, Zambies
Warhammer Age of Sigmar FlexPayton Witherell
Warhammer The Old WorldAndrew Sherman, Allen Blount, Jay Phares, Robert Chenevert, Jake Hunter, Brian J Burchett, Brian J Burchett Jr, Alex Sherman
Warhammer UnderworldsGames Workshop, Zach Rochner. Phil Cleven
Warlord Games CoordinatorJon Russell
WarmasterMatthew Adami, Kevin Ludwig, Patrick Connaughton
Warzone EternalBryan CP Steele, Alex Kanous
Wild West ExodusJoshua Konczal, Rick Estrada
WitchBornCory Kammer, Daniel Nguyen, James McGuire
WizKids CoordinatorDovah Keenan
World of TanksRobert Munro
Wyrd Games CoordinatorKelly Brumley
AdeptiCon Staff PartyChris Adams, Dianne Edley
ArtworkTimothy Toolen
Awards and MedalsMike Coleman, Shawn Gerlinger
Bitz TradingDustin Birkenkamp
Fort Wappel FoundersCathy Wappel, James Wappel
Hobby Seminar CzarCharity Edwards
Hobby Seminar VolunteersMatt Cicero, Charity Edwards, Nathan Herron
Hobby Seminar InstructorsAaron Clark, Aaron Lovejoy, Adrian Pech, Africa Mir, Alexandre Dos Santos, Alexis L'Huillier, Alfonso Giraldes (Banshee), Ambrose Coddington, Andy Wardle, Anthony Wang, Artis Opus, Ben Komets, Benjamin Kantor, Borja C Bertran, Brendan Roy (AMG), Chris Bergeron, Christopher Suarez, Clay Williams, Dallas Kemp (AMG), Dan Dugal, Dan Ozborne, David Higgins, Drew Drescher, El Kaye, Elizabeth Beckley, Eric Swinson, Federico Rovida, Francesco Farabi, Games Workshop, Jason Craze, Jason Frye (Valbjorn), Jeff Wilhelm, Joe Orteza, John Baggett, Jon Ninas, Katarzyna Gorska (Kaha), Kris Chung, Kyle Dalton, Liam Hearne, Lyn Orzech (Stahl), Marco Frisoni, Marcus Klamecker, Mark Sorastro (AMG), Matt DiPietro, Mike Cousins, Mohamad Alt-Mehdi, Myles David, Neil Duffey, Nestor Medina, Nicholas Jones, Riccardo Agostini, Ron Kruzie (AMG), Ryan Meigs, Sam Lenz, Sarah Hall, Scott MacKay, Joe Orthober, Sean McAfee (BrushForHire), Sergio Calvo, Stephen Box, Steve Condon, Thibaut Rahm, Tim Marsh, Vincent Rospond, Vincent Venturella, Zambies
Mobile App DevelopmentMatthias Weeks
Open GamingDoug Houseman
PhotographyPaul Sparks, The Community
Print LayoutMatthias Weeks
Software DevelopmentCvent
Terrain TeamJoe Adams, Chris Borer, Abigail Brown, Michael Colman, Toby Donaker, Dan Dugal, Cedric Edley, Dianne Edley, Ethan Edley, Hank Edley, Henry Edley, Liam Edley, Rick Erickson, Kevin Flemming, Andrew Gray, Nathan Herron, Doug Houseman, James Houseman, Patrick Houseman, James Hyde, Dennis Johnston, Paul Long, Tom McClure, Mike Muller, Charles Murray, Dave Pauwels, Antina Richards-Pennock, Michael Pennock, Marc Raley, Jacob Rasmussen, Joel Rasmussen, Jeremy Roberts, Joe Robinson, Will Schroeder, John Shaffer, Mark Sommer, Dave Taylor, Michael Tisdale, Tim Toolen, Steve Vieau, Matthias Weeks
200+ Volunteers
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