AdeptiCon 2025 Key Dates

Logistics and planning have already begun for AdeptiCon 2025, with the new venue providing a whole range of potential opportunities. From expanded event and exhibitor space to hotel partnerships to terrain design and painting, the AdeptiCon preparations are well underway! To assist in your own AdeptiCon planning, we wanted to provide a list of important […]

Registration Opens Sunday, January 7th at 12:00pm CST!

A reminder that AdeptiCon 2024 Registration Opens Sunday, January 7th at 12:00pm CST. Use one of the following links to begin your registration: We would advise NOT visiting this website to find the registration link. That server is separate from the registration system and is not designed to handle the inevitable flood of […]

Badge Changes and Shipping

With AdeptiCon 2024 right around the corner, let’s discuss some of the changes in store for registration – namely the new AdeptiCon Badge structure and the option to “skip the line” and have your AdeptiCon Badge shipped directly to you. For the last several years AdeptiCon has offered three badge types: standard, premium (1200), and […]

Registration Opens Today at 1PM CST!

A Reminder that Registration Opens Today, January 8th at 1:00 CST. Use one of the following links to begin registration on January 8th at 1:00pm CST: We would advise NOT visiting this website to find the registration link. That server is separate from the registration system and is not designed to handle […]