Tabletop Minions: Why Are AdeptiCon Hobby Seminars the Best?

Tabletop Minions asks several of our Hobby Instructors what they like about teaching at AdeptiCon, why you should take classes at AdeptiCon, and what their favorite class experiences have been. AdeptiCon 2020 is currently hosting 156 Hobby Seminars with a total of 2632 tickets available….and there are still a few more to come!

Privateer Press to Host Grandmaster Painting Competition at AdeptiCon 2020

Big news from our friends at Privateer Press: We will be hosting a Formula P3 Grandmaster painting competition at AdeptiCon 2020. While we haven’t settled on all of the details, we felt it was important to get the information out as soon as possible to allow people as much time to prepare as possible. Watch […]

AdeptiCon 2020 and the Return of the U.S. Golden Demons

The Golden Demon, Games Workshop’s miniatures painting competition, is one of the most prestigious and storied contests in the history of the hobby. And there was a time, not long ago, when this legendary competition had U.S. events, mythic displays of hobby skill and painting talent. But then, alas, a time of darkness befell the […]

VIG Swag: Achtung! Cthulhu Commanders from Modiphius Entertainment

For their first appearance at AdeptiCon, Modiphius Entertainment wanted to kick off the celebrations with a little Achtung! Cthulhu: Commanders set in each AdeptiCon 2019 VIG bag! Achtung! Cthulhu: Skirmish is a 28mm Pulp Weird World War miniatures wargame. It features larger than life heroes & villains, supported by troops both historical and fantastic, players […]