The AdeptiCom(munity)

As you are all keenly aware, next week would’ve been the eighteenth year of AdeptiCon and the convention and camaraderie will be sorely missed. Attendees, exhibitors, event organizers, staff- everyone is dealing with their annual celebration missing from their year. Despite the cancellation, everyone involved is doing their best to keep the spirit of the […]

VIG Swag: Achtung! Cthulhu Commanders from Modiphius Entertainment

For their first appearance at AdeptiCon, Modiphius Entertainment wanted to kick off the celebrations with a little Achtung! Cthulhu: Commanders set in each AdeptiCon 2019 VIG bag! Achtung! Cthulhu: Skirmish is a 28mm Pulp Weird World War miniatures wargame. It features larger than life heroes & villains, supported by troops both historical and fantastic, players […]