AdeptiCon 2022 Key Dates

Winter is upon us, which means spring and the glorious return of AdeptiCon is that much closer. Planning, event scheduling, and logistics for 2022 have been challenging, for a myriad of reasons, and after a two-year deferment, much of the process has taken longer than would’ve been ideal. These challenges not only affected the convention, […]

The AdeptiCom(munity)

As you are all keenly aware, next week would’ve been the eighteenth year of AdeptiCon and the convention and camaraderie will be sorely missed. Attendees, exhibitors, event organizers, staff- everyone is dealing with their annual celebration missing from their year. Despite the cancellation, everyone involved is doing their best to keep the spirit of the […]

AdeptiCon Attendee Update

First, we hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and taking the CDC and local authority precautions seriously. Second, despite the current challenges placed on everyone, the AdeptiCon staff has continued working on many different fronts to finalize things when possible or at least create some more clarity on the most pressing issues facing our […]

A Call to Arms* – Painting Competitions at AdeptiCon!

AdeptiCon, from its very beginning, has sought to put an emphasis on the miniatures gaming hobby as a multifaceted endeavor. Not only was tactical acumen on the tabletop celebrated, but the skill and talent necessary to bring armies to life was highly prized. This focus culminated in the creation of the Rogue Demons**, AdeptiCon’s own […]