For all the latest news on events, sponsors, the exhibitor hall, swag bag items, the charity raffle and everything else that makes AdeptiCon the grand event it is, make sure to check our Facebook feed!

For all the latest news on events, sponsors, the exhibitor hall, swag bag items, the charity raffle and everything else that makes AdeptiCon the grand event it is, make sure to check our Facebook feed!
Join Mike and Don (The Historicals Team) as they do a last second AdeptiCon preview. We just recorded this last night and are pumped for AdeptiCon. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! ... See MoreSee Less
Episode 5: The Last Second Adepticon Preview — The Nerds of War
Mike and Don go over their thoughts on the upcoming Adepticon and the events they’re running as well as some thoughts on the move to the new venue in Milwaukee. Also, Don grudgingly admits Doug Glov...1 CommentsComment on Facebook
The talented alchemists at Monument Hobbies are releasing their latest batch of chromatic offerings at AdeptiCon... ... See MoreSee Less
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AdeptiCon attendees and basketball fans,,
We are excited to announce a special promotion we can pass along from the Milwaukee Bucks NBA team exclusively for our AdeptiCon attendees. They would love to welcome us to Milwaukee with a special discount offer to a couple upcoming games that overlap with AdeptiCon 2025. They hope that this opportunity will make for a great experience and provide a little taste of Milwaukee’ s many offerings for anyone with a little extra time over the long weekend. So if you’re an NBA fan and you’re looking to step away from the table and hit the court, this is a fantastic way to enjoy your time in the new city.
Use this booking link to get the special pricing, which is upwards of a 23% discount with no sales taxes.
Games included are the following:
Friday, 3/28 vs New York Knicks @ 7PM
Sunday, 3/30 vs Atlanta Hawks @ 6PM
Tuesday, 4/1 vs Phoenix Suns @ 7PM
#adepticon, ##milwaukeebucks ... See MoreSee Less
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Legion players are going to have to drop their spice cargo to make room for this swag... ... See MoreSee Less
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Bombshell Miniatures will have a limited number of an amazing new model from their forthcoming Kickstarter. Sculpted by the talented, Patrick Keith, this new collection is something we’re looking forward to.Would you like to get your hands on some preview 3D prints of the Sacred Costalera STLs before they hit Kickstarter later this year? Stop by our booth #801 at Adepticon for your first chance to get them.
@followers ... See MoreSee Less
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And for the Shatterpoint players... ... See MoreSee Less
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Some cool stuff in store for MCP players... ... See MoreSee Less
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AdeptiCon on Epic Challenge
AdeptiCon founder and my favorite DM, Matthias Weeks, joined the Epic Challenge crew for a discussion of AdeptiCon, past, present, and future.
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The Last WIP Wednesday
For the 2025 con at least. I officially finished painting at 6:04pm EST on 3/16/25 which is a new record for me. Last year I was painting at 2:00am the day I left and it didn't look great. Are you still painting? Will you be done in time? I even had time to paint a Bolt Action Winter German for fun!
See you all next week! Looking forward to seeing the armies you've been working on done. Let me know what events you're in and I'll try and stop by so I can check it out. ... See MoreSee Less
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Something's Fishy at Para Bellum Games
From our friends at Para Bellum...
"Opportunities like this are not to be missed. Coming to Milwaukee is a brand-new Murderous Fish Gnome, the Adepticod. Conquest is pleased to create excitement for Adepticon’s new home for 2025 with this “tribute” miniature. As a special bonus we have included 10 “Cheesy Adepticods” - randomly inserted in boxes are all yellow resin versions. Find one of these special minis and win a new First Blood Cohort of your choice – whenever you discover it. The Murder Fish Gnomes are stowing away in
the luggage of our team when they travel to Milwaukee for Adepticon! It’s not Gouda. They’re all Jack’d up on Curds and Whey just to annoy our founder, Stavros. He’s not Havarting it at all! They mean no Parm. If you’ve got the Cheddar you can get him Adepticon weekend, don’t Brie late! At booth 202 while they last. They’re Nacho usual Conquest characters!"
#Conquest #Adepticod #TabletopGames #Adepticon2025 ... See MoreSee Less
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Looking forward to the 2025 entries! ... See MoreSee Less
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The Fifth Trooper's Milwaukee Guide
A lot of locals are taking the time to write some practical and entertaining guides to their city. Kyle Lloyd Arpke does an admirable job here, with some valuable insights and recommendations, though, for the record, he's wrong about Chicago architecture (we have plenty of old buildings, though we sorta had to start from scratch in 1871) and I sincerely can't imagine why anyone would want to visit the Green Bay Packer's Hall of Fame. Those minor points aside, a well done addition to your Milwaukee previews. ... See MoreSee Less
Adepticon 2025 - Your Guide to the City of Milwaukee - The Fifth Trooper
It’s no secret that Adepticon’s move to Wisconsin ruffled some feathers in the wargaming community. Airfare goes from a Midwest hub city to a small, almost9 CommentsComment on Facebook
Old Guard Games-Learn to Sculpt from Paul Hicks
World renown miniatures sculptor Paul Hicks will be running a sculpting tutorial at Old Guard Games Wednesday, March 26 at 6:00 PM. Just a short jaunt from the Baird Center. Whether looking to start on your own sculpting adventure or convert and make each mini in your army unique, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Contact us to reserve a spot!
[email protected]
#oldguardmke ... See MoreSee Less
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Hilton Garden Inn - Additional Room Block
For last minute reservation options, check out the Hilton Garden Inn Milwaukee Downtown. They have added rooms and extended their block through 03/21/2025. Get a room before they are gone. ... See MoreSee Less
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Legendary game designer Tuomas Pirinen is coming to AdeptiCon 2025. Tuomas, creator of Mordheim -our favorite Imperial hamlet- will be in attendance to discuss his latest grimdark offering, Trench Crusdae, and host a presentation looking at the development and future of the new tabletop skirmish game that pits the hosts of Hell against the remnants of the faithful in the trenches and crater-ridden battlefields of WWI. Look for more info about Tuomas's schedule shortly. ... See MoreSee Less
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Guide to Milwaukee - Part 3
The Basement of Death and Playin' & Slayin' crew have released the third installation of their Guide to Milwaukee series. This episode sees some more food recommendations, including where to get the best area steak and coffee. One of those things is great before an 8-hour tournament and the other is perfect for after an 8-hour tournament. We'll let you decide what works best for you...
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Terrain Thursday -
AdeptiCon 2025 Terrain Update: Age of Sigmar
“Change is the essential process of all existence.”
-Mr. Spock, ‘Let That Be Your Last Battlefield’
With AdeptiCon 2025 now just under two weeks away, we continue our series of 2025 terrain previews, with today’s focus on the various efforts we’ve directed towards the AdeptiCon ‘Age of Sigmar’ tables. The ‘Age of Sigmar’ terrain rules have seen significant changes and AdeptiCon has begun the transformative process, working on our terrain collection to address these major updates for 2025.
This large-scale updating and reorganizing process would not be possible without the inspired and innovative terrain designs from companies like Sawant3d, Sacrusmundus, EC3D Design, Fantastic Portals and Effects, Zabavka Workshop, 3dHexes, and Fantastic Plants and Rocks.
Additional thanks for the invaluable support from our partners Games Workshop, Monument Hobbies, TABLEWAR, Grey Matter Gaming, Deepcut Studio,, Badger Air-Brush Company, and The Army Painter - all of whose product support literally made this effort possible.
And, once again, major props to the members of the AdeptiCon Terrain and Spray Teams (Deeds Not Words) for all the hard work. There has been a massive effort in 2025 to expand and improve the overall terrain aesthetics and gaming experience and it shows in the final results.
The images here are just a small sampling of the new terrain. To take a deeper dive, of all the terrain efforts check out the link below for a better view of a galaxy far, far away…
And if you want to check out previous year’s efforts, check out this post:
#adepticon #atomicmassgames #armypainter #ageofsigmar ... See MoreSee Less
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AdeptiCon 2025 Mobile App
The mobile app for AdeptiCon 2025 is live! You can use the app to view the event schedule, exhibitor hall list, instructors, interactive maps, and more!
Login with the same email address you registered for AdeptiCon with to view your schedule, view event documents (more coming later this week), create your profile, and connect with other attendees.
When logging in, a verification code will be sent to your mobile number and/or your email address.
Once you have downloaded the Cvent Events mobile app, simply search for AdeptiCon to connect to the event.
If you are having trouble, just head to your mobile app store (iOS 15.1 or higher/Android 11 or higher) and download Cvent Events. Then search for AdeptiCon inside the app.
Contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Android Link:
IOS Link: ... See MoreSee Less
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AdeptiCon 2025: Warhammer 40,000 Dataslate Update
Warhammer Community today released a Warhammer 40K Dataslate update. This update will be in effect for AdeptiCon’s Warhammer 40K events and we believe this decision is in line with our stated policy of “no major changes” after March 15th. The 40K rules documents will be updated over the next day or so.
With roughly two weeks until the convention, we do understand that this is a relatively short window of time, and we apologize for any inconvenience this causes anyone still working on their armies. However, we have always tried to use the most up-to-date version of the rules to the greatest extent possible and this decision is consistent with that attempt.
We appreciate your understanding and your enthusiasm. We are very much looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks.
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Warhammer 40,000 Balance Dataslate – Here’s what’s changed in the 41st Millennium - Warhammer Community
Targeted changes to most factions.9 CommentsComment on Facebook
AdeptiCon 2025: World Championships of Warhammer
We thought we'd share some images of the coveted Golden Tickets some of you may be competing for at AdeptiCon this year. Only the most skilled (and/or lucky) players will walk away with these proverbial passports to participate in the World Championships this November in Atlanta, Georgia.
AdeptiCon will present two Warhammer 40,000 tickets, two Age of Sigmar tickets, and one each for Kill Team and Underworlds.
For more info: ... See MoreSee Less
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