With all due respect, General, if someone comes to our home, they better be carrying a big blaster. – CT-7567 Captain Rex
From the barren dunes of Tatooine’s Jundland Wastes to the bustling avenues of Coruscant’s entertainment districts, from the vast oceans of Kamino to the Syndicate moons of the Outer Rim, the battlefields of the ‘Star Wars’ universe are a diverse collection of environments, each with their own challenges and dangers.
With AdeptiCon 2025 now just over three weeks away, we continue our series of 2025 terrain previews, with today’s focus on the various efforts we’ve directed towards the AdeptiCon ‘Star Wars’ tables. The ‘Star Wars’ terrain tables have seen a lot of activity during the past several years with the growth of both Star Wars: Legion and Star Wars: Shatterpoint. For 2025, AdeptiCon has big things planned for both systems!
We certainly don’t do this kind of massive terrain production alone. There’s no way we can get tables planned, built, painted, and staged without help from a vibrant and engaged community. A special thanks goes to Nick Bodnar, Matt Evans, Seth Ferrel, and Joshua Hale, along with myriad others in the community, for helping to meet our table needs.
Also to note none of this is possible without the inspired and innovative terrain designs from companies like War Scenery, Imperial Terrain, Dark Realms and Multiverse.
Additional thanks for the invaluable support from our partners Atomic Mass Games, Monument Hobbies, TABLEWAR, Grey Matter Gaming, Deep-Cut Studio, GameMat.eu, and The Army Painter whose product support literally made this effort possible.
And, once again, props to the members of the AdeptiCon Terrain and Spray Teams (Deeds Not Words) for all the hard work. There has been a massive effort in 2025 to expand and improve the overall terrain aesthetics and gaming experience.
You can also check out last year’s massive Star Wars: Legion efforts here.