The AdeptiCup Army Showcase

From the war-torn worlds of the 41st millennium to the red fields of Wesetros, from the beaches of Normandy to Midtown Manhattan, forces are gathering. Twelve-meter tall ‘mechs power up, while the war-horns of Rohan call the hosts to muster at Dunharrow…

The vast and varied armies, teams, and warbands that clash in AdeptiCon’s Team Tournaments represent the pinnacle of the tabletop miniatures hobby. The results of months of effort are displayed at AdeptiCon in an unrivalled presentation and the best of the best are invited to exhibit their skill in the AdeptiCup Army Showcase.

The ultimate prize in this spectacular competition is the AdeptiCup, a travelling trophy for the ‘Best in Show’ display in the Army Showcase. Judged by a renowned group of hobbyists, the AdeptiCup is a prize unmatched in its glory! Does your team have the skill, dedication, and drive to make it to the final level?

The Army Showcase viewing begins at 8:00 PM at the Baird Center Grand Ballroom Foyer (1st Floor) Saturday, March 29th, 2025. Don’t miss your chance to witness this historic display, sure to long be remembered in the annals of AdeptiCon.