Latest News on Facebook

For all the latest news on events, sponsors, the exhibitor hall, swag bag items, the charity raffle and everything else that makes AdeptiCon the grand event it is, make sure to check our Facebook feed!

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Cover for AdeptiCon
AdeptiCon 2025: World Championships of Warhammer 

We thought wed share some images of the coveted Golden Tickets some of you may be competing for at AdeptiCon this year. Only the most skilled (and/or lucky) players will walk away with these proverbial passports to participate in the World Championships this November in Atlanta, Georgia.

AdeptiCon will present two Warhammer 40,000 tickets, two Age of Sigmar tickets, and one each for Kill Team and Underworlds.

For more info:

AdeptiCon 2025: World Championships of Warhammer

We thought we'd share some images of the coveted Golden Tickets some of you may be competing for at AdeptiCon this year. Only the most skilled (and/or lucky) players will walk away with these proverbial passports to participate in the World Championships this November in Atlanta, Georgia.

AdeptiCon will present two Warhammer 40,000 tickets, two Age of Sigmar tickets, and one each for Kill Team and Underworlds.

For more info:
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2 days ago

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

AdeptiCon Is there anyway to send our Age of Sigmar list for the charity event on Sunday?

when are they sending the event info out. last year it was on the 10th with list submittal cut off being the 18th but i haven't got anything.

Not sure if right place to ask, but when is the cvent event app going to be up?

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AdeptiCon 2025 Vendor Spotlight: Goblins Hut 

From our diminutive green friends at the Goblins Hut...

Goblins Hut has collaborated with Dirty Down to bring the new Gore and Snot effects to AdeptiCon! And at with a Con-only discount!

Dirty Down Gore and Snot effects creates glossy strands of viscera, spittle, bile, or goo right out of the pot! Dip a tool and apply to your model. Vary the amount of goop to create thin or thick strands for a disturbingly realistic look.

Use Gore or Snot right out of the pot or mix up your own batch of purple xeno-blood, yellow ichor, or radioactive green by stirring in inks, acrylics, or pigment powder. With a 1 to 3 minute work time there is no stressful rush. The more you scoop, the longer the work time.

See you at booth #207!
#GoblinsHut #DirtyDown #DirtyDownGore #DirtyDownSnot #DirtyDownRust

AdeptiCon 2025 Vendor Spotlight: Goblin's Hut

From our diminutive green friends at the Goblin's Hut...

"Goblin's Hut has collaborated with Dirty Down to bring the new Gore and Snot effects to AdeptiCon! And at with a Con-only discount!

Dirty Down Gore and Snot effects creates glossy strands of viscera, spittle, bile, or goo right out of the pot! Dip a tool and apply to your model. Vary the amount of goop to create thin or thick strands for a disturbingly realistic look.

Use Gore or Snot right out of the pot or mix up your own batch of purple xeno-blood, yellow ichor, or radioactive green by stirring in inks, acrylics, or pigment powder. With a 1 to 3 minute work time there is no stressful rush. The more you scoop, the longer the work time.

See you at booth #207!"
#GoblinsHut #DirtyDown #DirtyDownGore #DirtyDownSnot #DirtyDownRust
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5 days ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Cool never seen this stuff but sounds cool

AdeptiCon 2025: Parking Your Vehicle

Whatever mode of transportation youre using to get to AdeptiCon, if you need somewhere to park it, you may want to consider Secure Parking- Clark Garage...

Discounted All Day AdeptiCon MKE Parking
Clark Garage, 300 spaces (623 W Wisconsin Ave) - 1 block from Baird Center

40% Savings when you pay in advance:
03/26 - $11.35
03/27 - $11.35
03/28 - $13.42
03/29 - $16.53
03/30 - $13.42
03/28 thru 03/30 - $37.23
03/26 thru 03/30 - $57.93

Secure Your Parking Here!

Clark Garage, 300 spaces (623 W Wisconsin Ave) - 1 block from Baird Center

Need Support? Contact or (414) 847-5723.

AdeptiCon 2025: Parking Your Vehicle

Whatever mode of transportation you're using to get to AdeptiCon, if you need somewhere to park it, you may want to consider Secure Parking- Clark Garage...

Discounted All Day AdeptiCon MKE Parking
Clark Garage, 300 spaces (623 W Wisconsin Ave) - 1 block from Baird Center

40% Savings when you pay in advance:
03/26 - $11.35
03/27 - $11.35
03/28 - $13.42
03/29 - $16.53
03/30 - $13.42
03/28 thru 03/30 - $37.23
03/26 thru 03/30 - $57.93

Secure Your Parking Here!

Clark Garage, 300 spaces (623 W Wisconsin Ave) - 1 block from Baird Center

Need Support? Contact [email protected] or (414) 847-5723.
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6 days ago

28 CommentsComment on Facebook

When will the dealer hall map be made available? Like looking at it before hand

Are badges required just to go to the exhibitor booths?

The Adepticon site mentions 12$/night parking at the Hilton. Is this a separate thing or is this what people with hotel reservations should be booking?

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WIP Wednesday 

Hey ya’all, it’s almost time! What last minute things are you working on? I’ve been basing Flames of war and tidying up a few things, hoping to be done this weekend. How about you?Image attachmentImage attachment

WIP Wednesday

Hey ya’all, it’s almost time! What last minute things are you working on? I’ve been basing Flames of war and tidying up a few things, hoping to be done this weekend. How about you?
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7 days ago

18 CommentsComment on Facebook

MCP display board

Working on a Space Wolves sicaran…I’m not panicking, you’re panicking

Almost there with the last of my World Eaters. So much trim on that dreadnought!

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AdeptiCon 2025: Volunteers Still Needed

Are you looking for a way to pitch in and take a role in making your favorite gaming convention a huge success? We know you are - and we appreciate it. Signing up to volunteer at Adepticon 2025 is very easy and theres still time to register. Just click the link and browse the opportunities available.

And as a token of our gratitude, volunteers committing to a certain amount of hours can receive a credit towards their AdeptiCon 2026 registration.

AdeptiCon wouldnt happen without our volunteers and their hard work is invaluable.!/showSignUp/30E0544AAAF2BA3F58-54250895-adepticon

AdeptiCon 2025: Volunteers Still Needed

Are you looking for a way to pitch in and take a role in making your favorite gaming convention a huge success? We know you are - and we appreciate it. Signing up to volunteer at Adepticon 2025 is very easy and there's still time to register. Just click the link and browse the opportunities available.

And as a token of our gratitude, volunteers committing to a certain amount of hours can receive a credit towards their AdeptiCon 2026 registration.

AdeptiCon wouldn't happen without our volunteers and their hard work is invaluable.!/showSignUp/30E0544AAAF2BA3F58-54250895-adepticon
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1 week ago

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

What can i volunteer to do ?

is there an age requirement? My 16 year old son would like to work a shift on Saturday.

But what if I already volunteer!? How do I help mooooore

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Tune in tonight at 6:00 PM Central/7:00 Eastern for the Build Paint Play podcasts interview with the organizers of the AdeptiCon Warhammer 40,000 Friendly tournament.

Tune in tonight at 6:00 PM Central/7:00 Eastern for the 'Build Paint Play' podcast's interview with the organizers of the AdeptiCon Warhammer 40,000 Friendly tournament.
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1 week ago

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Definitely what I'll be watching tonight!

Looking forward to watching.


AdeptiCon 2025 Terrain Update: Star Wars Legion and Shatterpoint 

With all due respect, General, if someone comes to our home, they better be carrying a big blaster.  - CT-7567 Captain Rex

From the barren dunes of Tatooine’s Jundland Wastes to the bustling avenues of Coruscant’s entertainment districts, from the vast oceans of Kamino to the Syndicate moons of the Outer Rim, the battlefields of the ‘Star Wars’ universe are a diverse collection of environments, each with their own challenges and dangers.

With AdeptiCon 2025 now just over three weeks away, we continue our series of 2025 terrain previews, with today’s focus on the various efforts we’ve directed towards the AdeptiCon ‘Star Wars’ tables.  The ‘Star Wars’ terrain tables have seen a lot of activity during the past several years with the growth of both Star Wars: Legion and Star Wars: Shatterpoint. For 2025, AdeptiCon has big things planned for both systems!

We certainly don’t do this kind of massive terrain production alone. There’s no way we can get tables planned, built, painted, and staged without help from a vibrant and engaged community. A special thanks goes to Nick Bodnar, Matt Evans, Seth Ferrel, and Joshua Hale, along with myriad others in the community, for helping to meet our table needs.

Also to note none of this is possible without the inspired and innovative terrain designs from companies like War Scenery, Imperial Terrain, Dark Realms and Multiverse. 

Additional thanks for the invaluable support from our partners Atomic Mass Games,  Monument Hobbies, TABLEWAR, Grey Matter Gaming, Deepcut Studio,, Badger Air-Brush Company, and The Army Painter whose product support literally made this effort possible.

And, once again, props to the members of the AdeptiCon Terrain and Spray Teams (Deeds Not Words) for all the hard work.  There has been a massive effort in 2025 to expand and improve the overall terrain aesthetics and gaming experience.

The images here are just a small sampling of the new terrain. To take a deeper dive, of all the terrain efforts check out the link below for a better view of a galaxy far, far away…

And if you want to check out previous year’s efforts, check out this post:

#adepticon  #atomicmassgames #armypainter #starwarslegion #shatterpointImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

AdeptiCon 2025 Terrain Update: Star Wars Legion and Shatterpoint

"With all due respect, General, if someone comes to our home, they better be carrying a big blaster." - CT-7567 Captain Rex

From the barren dunes of Tatooine’s Jundland Wastes to the bustling avenues of Coruscant’s entertainment districts, from the vast oceans of Kamino to the Syndicate moons of the Outer Rim, the battlefields of the ‘Star Wars’ universe are a diverse collection of environments, each with their own challenges and dangers.

With AdeptiCon 2025 now just over three weeks away, we continue our series of 2025 terrain previews, with today’s focus on the various efforts we’ve directed towards the AdeptiCon ‘Star Wars’ tables. The ‘Star Wars’ terrain tables have seen a lot of activity during the past several years with the growth of both Star Wars: Legion and Star Wars: Shatterpoint. For 2025, AdeptiCon has big things planned for both systems!

We certainly don’t do this kind of massive terrain production alone. There’s no way we can get tables planned, built, painted, and staged without help from a vibrant and engaged community. A special thanks goes to Nick Bodnar, Matt Evans, Seth Ferrel, and Joshua Hale, along with myriad others in the community, for helping to meet our table needs.

Also to note none of this is possible without the inspired and innovative terrain designs from companies like War Scenery, Imperial Terrain, Dark Realms and Multiverse.

Additional thanks for the invaluable support from our partners Atomic Mass Games, Monument Hobbies, TABLEWAR, Grey Matter Gaming, Deepcut Studio,, Badger Air-Brush Company, and The Army Painter whose product support literally made this effort possible.

And, once again, props to the members of the AdeptiCon Terrain and Spray Teams (Deeds Not Words) for all the hard work. There has been a massive effort in 2025 to expand and improve the overall terrain aesthetics and gaming experience.

The images here are just a small sampling of the new terrain. To take a deeper dive, of all the terrain efforts check out the link below for a better view of a galaxy far, far away…

And if you want to check out previous year’s efforts, check out this post:

#adepticon #atomicmassgames #armypainter #starwarslegion #shatterpoint
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2 weeks ago

11 CommentsComment on Facebook

What are we looking at? This is the coolest stuff I’ve seen in a long time.

the atst loaders are so freaking clever

Can I ask where the walls are from and are they tall enough for shatterpoint?

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The AdeptiClock is Ticking...

The AdeptiClock is Ticking... ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

10 CommentsComment on Facebook

When will the Cvent Event app be available for this event?

When’s the last date to make changes to your events (not your badges) such as adding/dropping, etc.?

Already registered, but does this cut off include signing up for events at the con?

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WIP Wednesday

The Soviet Paint-A-Thon is over! With the last tanks done, I can do some other fun things. Like Soviet planes, German planes, or keep playing Civ 5. What all are you working on this week? #Conquest #MFGs #ConX #paintbig #Warmachine #miniatures #modernminiatures #toysoldiers #28mm #minigaming #wargame #modernwargaming #minipainting #teamyankee #WWIII #tabletopgames #battlefront #warhammer #BoardGame #resinprinting #starwarsshatterpoint #milwaukee #gamers #battletech #paintingminisImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

WIP Wednesday

The Soviet Paint-A-Thon is over! With the last tanks done, I can do some other fun things. Like Soviet planes, German planes, or keep playing Civ 5. What all are you working on this week? #conquest #MFGS #conx #paintbig #warmachine #miniatures #modernminiatures #toysoldiers #28mm #minigaming #wargame #modernwargaming #minipainting #TeamYankee #WWIII #tabletopgames #battlefront #warhammer #boardgame #resinprinting #starwarsshatterpoint #milwaukee #gamers #battletech #paintingminis
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2 weeks ago

5 CommentsComment on Facebook

Finished up another Land Raider. One left along with a Contemptor and one Terminator.

Working on a wall for my display board!

Congratulations 🎊 👏

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Elrik's Hobbies and AdeptiCon Join Forces

AdeptiCon has partnered with Elrik’s Hobbies to offer exclusive merchandise at this year’s convention and sales will go to support the AdeptiCon Staff Memorial Fund (ASMF). These characterful offerings include a six-piece objective set, holiday and wall decorations, and a full-scale purity seal. These items will be unique to 2025, with a changing set of new merchandise available each year. Support a worthy cause and check out 2025’s merch at:

#adepticon #elrikshobbies
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2 weeks ago

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

If you have selected to have your badge shipped. You would be restricted from adding any additional merchandise online and would need to get it onsite. It is a timing issue to get the badge print run done, shipped and delivered we have an earlier cutoff date, and merchandise is printed on the back of the badge for pickup.

Is it possible to buy if you are not coming this year.

Will pick up when we get there for sure

AdeptiCon 2025 Sponsor Spotlight: Giráldez Models

AdeptiCon is excited to announce that one of our many 2025 sponsors is Giráldez Models...

Ángel Giráldez is generously donating models from his brand, Giráldez Models, as prizes for AdeptiCon 2025.

Ángel is a renowned professional miniature painter with an impressive career, having collaborated with top industry brands such as Wyrd Games (Booth 400), Mantic Games (Booth 105), Vallejo (Booth 707), and Artis Opus (Booth 403)—just to name a few.

But that’s not all. Ángel has exclusively revealed the cover of his upcoming book, COLOR, set to release in April 2025. This highly anticipated publication will be available at retailers across the U.S., and Ángel will be joining us at AdeptiCon 2026 for book signings.

#paintbig #angelgiraldezmodels@adepticon

AdeptiCon 2025 Sponsor Spotlight: Giráldez Models

AdeptiCon is excited to announce that one of our many 2025 sponsors is Giráldez Models...

"Ángel Giráldez is generously donating models from his brand, Giráldez Models, as prizes for AdeptiCon 2025.

Ángel is a renowned professional miniature painter with an impressive career, having collaborated with top industry brands such as Wyrd Games (Booth 400), Mantic Games (Booth 105), Vallejo (Booth 707), and Artis Opus (Booth 403)—just to name a few.

But that’s not all. Ángel has exclusively revealed the cover of his upcoming book, COLOR, set to release in April 2025. This highly anticipated publication will be available at retailers across the U.S., and Ángel will be joining us at AdeptiCon 2026 for book signings."

#paintbig #angelgiraldezmodels@adepticon
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2 weeks ago
AdeptiCon 2025: Registration Closes in One Week

Time is a luxury you dont have, Admiral.
                                 -Khan Noonien Singh 

Actually, unlike the crew of NCC-1701, you still have a whole luxurious week, but the sentiment is relevant. Time is running out, so if youre still on the proverbial fence about attending this historic celebration, now is the time for decisiveness. If youre joining us at AdeptiCon 2025, you still have a chance to modify or finalize your plans. In either case, we look forward to seeing you in Milwaukee.

AdeptiCon 2025: Registration Closes in One Week

"Time is a luxury you don't have, Admiral."
-Khan Noonien Singh

Actually, unlike the crew of NCC-1701, you still have a whole luxurious week, but the sentiment is relevant. Time is running out, so if you're still on the proverbial fence about attending this historic celebration, now is the time for decisiveness. If you're joining us at AdeptiCon 2025, you still have a chance to modify or finalize your plans. In either case, we look forward to seeing you in Milwaukee.
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3 weeks ago

6 CommentsComment on Facebook

oh, I didn't know we couldn't register on site!

It is still free to walk through the vendor halls correct?

Is it at 12am on 2/28. As in tonight. Or do we get tomorrow as well?

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AdeptiCon 2025: The AdeptiCup Army Showcase

From the war-torn worlds of the 41st millennium to the red fields of Wesetros, from the beaches of Normandy to Midtown Manhattan, forces are gathering. Twelve-meter tall ‘mechs power up, while the war-horns of Rohan call the hosts to muster at Dunharrow…

The vast and varied armies, teams, and warbands that clash in AdeptiCon’s Team Tournaments represent the pinnacle of the tabletop miniatures hobby. The results of months of effort are displayed at AdeptiCon in an unrivalled presentation and the best of the best are invited to exhibit their skill in the AdeptiCup Army Showcase.

The ultimate prize in this spectacular competition is the AdeptiCup, a travelling trophy for the ‘Best in Show’ display in the Army Showcase. Judged by a renowned group of hobbyists, the AdeptiCup is a prize unmatched in its glory! Does your team have the skill, dedication, and drive to make it to the final level?

The Army Showcase viewing begins at 8:00 PM at the Baird Center Grand Ballroom Foyer (1st Floor) Saturday, March 29th, 2025. Don’t miss your chance to witness this historic display, sure to long be remembered in the annals of AdeptiCon.

AdeptiCon 2025: The AdeptiCup Army Showcase

From the war-torn worlds of the 41st millennium to the red fields of Wesetros, from the beaches of Normandy to Midtown Manhattan, forces are gathering. Twelve-meter tall ‘mechs power up, while the war-horns of Rohan call the hosts to muster at Dunharrow…

The vast and varied armies, teams, and warbands that clash in AdeptiCon’s Team Tournaments represent the pinnacle of the tabletop miniatures hobby. The results of months of effort are displayed at AdeptiCon in an unrivalled presentation and the best of the best are invited to exhibit their skill in the AdeptiCup Army Showcase.

The ultimate prize in this spectacular competition is the AdeptiCup, a travelling trophy for the ‘Best in Show’ display in the Army Showcase. Judged by a renowned group of hobbyists, the AdeptiCup is a prize unmatched in its glory! Does your team have the skill, dedication, and drive to make it to the final level?

The Army Showcase viewing begins at 8:00 PM at the Baird Center Grand Ballroom Foyer (1st Floor) Saturday, March 29th, 2025. Don’t miss your chance to witness this historic display, sure to long be remembered in the annals of AdeptiCon.
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3 weeks ago

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

Incredible! Love to see the Showcase expanding to other Team events beyond 40k and AoS.

So excited for this year! Can’t wait to show off what we’ve made.

This is probably always one of my favorite spectacles of the event. The amount of work and detail that hobbyists put into these display; no pieces are of art is simply amazing.

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WIP Wednesday - Sick Day Edition

This still counts, yesterday was a sick day and it’s a holiday week anyways. Hopefully I’ll have all the bugs out of me and won’t get food poisoning again this year.

Anyways, last weekend was the Great Soviet Paint-A-Thon as I worked my way through a bunch of Soviet vehicles. What have you been working on? 

I also got some playtesting in along with setting up a new workstation, forever immortalized clean as it won’t be in a few weeks. 
#miniaturepainting #gamesworkshop #atomicmassgames #adepticon #wip #tabletopgaming #wargaming #Adepticon #warhammercommunity #hobby #airbrush #warlordgames #paintingminiaturesImage attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

WIP Wednesday - Sick Day Edition

This still counts, yesterday was a sick day and it’s a holiday week anyways. Hopefully I’ll have all the bugs out of me and won’t get food poisoning again this year.

Anyways, last weekend was the Great Soviet Paint-A-Thon as I worked my way through a bunch of Soviet vehicles. What have you been working on?

I also got some playtesting in along with setting up a new workstation, forever immortalized clean as it won’t be in a few weeks.
#miniaturepainting #gamesworkshop #atomicmassgames #adepticon #wip #tabletopgaming #wargaming #Adepticon #warhammercommunity #hobby #airbrush #warlordgames #paintingminiatures
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3 weeks ago

6 CommentsComment on Facebook

My last few models for this year's dark angels list. Forgot to rotate it. Dang gubbit

Down to the last few models for my Heresy era World Eaters.

Gotten more work done on this mini since this picture was taken. My stabbas are pretty bright but still effective!

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Video image

Playin' & Slayin' Guide to Downtown Milwaukee: Part 2

Troy and Ty, our intrepid Milwaukee guides and friendly podcast team, return with the second installation of their look at the downtown area near the Baird Center and AdeptiCon 2025. In this episode, they look at three important topics: pizza, beer, and local game stores...

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3 weeks ago

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Excellent ❤️

Thanks guys!

WARMACHINE Keynote Preview At AdeptiCon 2025

Our old friends at Steamforged will unveil their plans for the Iron Kingdoms...

There’s still time to grab your spot for the WARMACHINE KEYNOTE!

Join Steamforged for this extra special event where they’ll be revealing what’s in store for the future of the Iron Kingdoms. Warmachine fans, this is not to be missed! -


WARMACHINE Keynote Preview At AdeptiCon 2025

Our old friends at Steamforged will unveil their plans for the Iron Kingdoms...

"There’s still time to grab your spot for the WARMACHINE KEYNOTE!

Join Steamforged for this extra special event where they’ll be revealing what’s in store for the future of the Iron Kingdoms. Warmachine fans, this is not to be missed!" -

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4 weeks ago

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Would love to see this game make a come back


Echo Dark Studios Unveils INX 2.0

From the crew at Echo Dark Studios...

Echo Dark Studios has exciting news for fans of tabletop gaming! This year at Adepticon, they are set to unveil the highly anticipated 2.0 rules, along with a plethora of new models. Gamers can look forward to a fresh experience with updated gameplay mechanics and stunning miniatures that will enhance their collections. Whether youre a seasoned player or new to the scene, this release promises to bring a wave of creativity and strategy to the tabletop. Dont miss out on the chance to see whats in store and elevate your gaming experience with Echo Dark Studios latest offerings.

For more information, check out their FB page:

#modernminiatures #echodarkstudios #turnbasedminiatures #modernminis #modernstl #turnbaseminiatures #Stlfiles #paintinginx #tabletopgaming #minigaming #usarmy #28mm #minipainting #toysoldiers #modernminiatures #modernwargaming #inxcountry #incountrygame #wargaming #miniatures #wargame #wargames #spectreoperations #moderntabletopgames #miniaturepainting #modernminiatureseu #modernminiatureswap #modernminiatures

Echo Dark Studios Unveils INX 2.0

From the crew at Echo Dark Studios...

"Echo Dark Studios has exciting news for fans of tabletop gaming! This year at Adepticon, they are set to unveil the highly anticipated 2.0 rules, along with a plethora of new models. Gamers can look forward to a fresh experience with updated gameplay mechanics and stunning miniatures that will enhance their collections. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the scene, this release promises to bring a wave of creativity and strategy to the tabletop. Don't miss out on the chance to see what's in store and elevate your gaming experience with Echo Dark Studios' latest offerings."

For more information, check out their FB page:

#modernminiatures #echodarkstudios #turnbasedminiatures #modernminis #modernstl #turnbaseminiatures #Stlfiles #paintinginx #tabletopgaming #minigaming #usarmy #28mm #minipainting #toysoldiers #modernminiatures #modernwargaming #inxcountry #incountrygame #wargaming #miniatures #wargame #wargames #spectreoperations #moderntabletopgames #miniaturepainting #modernminiatureseu #modernminiatureswap #modernminiatures
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4 weeks ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Very cool 😎

Badger Games AdeptiCon 2025 Painting Competition

Our friends at Badger Games are running a painting contest this year. From Badger...

Badger Games is excited to announce our AdeptiCon 2025 Painting Contest and this years model is an unreleased Cosmic Orc designed by the Goblin Master, Kev Adams. The miniature will be sent anywhere in the world for free. Check out the contest rules and get your miniature today!

Check out all the rules and info here:

Editor Note: I picked up a bunch of these Cosmic Orcs at another con last year and they are fantastic, characterful sculpts that take you back to the salad days of the late 80s/early 90s. Ive ordered my orc! DPImage attachment

Badger Games AdeptiCon 2025 Painting Competition

Our friends at Badger Games are running a painting contest this year. From Badger...

"Badger Games is excited to announce our AdeptiCon 2025 Painting Contest and this year's model is an unreleased Cosmic Orc designed by the Goblin Master, Kev Adams. The miniature will be sent anywhere in the world for free. Check out the contest rules and get your miniature today!"

Check out all the rules and info here:

Editor Note: I picked up a bunch of these Cosmic Orcs at another con last year and they are fantastic, characterful sculpts that take you back to the salad days of the late 80's/early 90's. I've ordered my orc! DP
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4 weeks ago

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Brilliant event 👏

I want dat ork!


Categories: News