AdeptiCon 2025 Key Dates

Logistics and planning have already begun for AdeptiCon 2025, with the new venue providing a whole range of potential opportunities. From expanded event and exhibitor space to hotel partnerships to terrain design and painting, the AdeptiCon preparations are well underway!

To assist in your own AdeptiCon planning, we wanted to provide a list of important dates as soon as we had these confirmed.

  • June 26, 2024 AdeptiCon Hotel Blocks Go Live at 1:00 PM Central
  • December 16, 2024 Event Cart Preview Launches
  • January 12, 2025 Event Cart Goes Live
  • February 9, 2025 Badge Shipping Closes (badges can be picked up on site after this date)
  • February 28, 2025 Event Registration Closes
  • March 7, 2025 Final Day for Refunds

As always, stay tuned for additional details and important information. A new era dawns for AdeptiCon in 2025 and we’re already looking forward to seeing you there.